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Showing posts from November, 2016

My Favorite Epic Rap Battles Of HIstory Part One

As you know from a past post I love Epic Rap Battles of History on just going to give you some of my favorites..i really can't put them in order lol Enjoy my breakdown of these battles yo. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Okay so this is  a new favorite of mine....I think Hillary wins a close battle here with better punchlines(IRONICALLY). Trumps'' flow is kind of boring but his punchlines are good lol. I'm sure this one is still fresh in your mind so go watch. Winner: Hillary Clinton Gandhi vs. Marin Luther King I had to include this battle because it's the one that got me into the series...yes it made me a fan. Both Key(Gandhi) and Peele(King) spit hard this is a close one to call. I actually am going to call this one a a draw lol. Winner: DRAW Napoleon Dynamite vs. Napoleon Bonaparte Okay this one is a little easier to call. The Napoleons spit hard bars sure, but Bonaparte's final line about how Dynamite is the o

Album Reivew: Alicia Keys-HERE

Alicia Keys has finally blessed us with a new album. It’s noticeably better than Girl On Fire, and lets just be clear; due to great production it’s a tiny notch above Element of Freedom too. She raps on the first song The Gospel, and she does a good job too. All on this album she sounds focused and poised. Yes I liked every song here, although the replay value isn’t as high as Element of Freedom. She didn’t include the single In Common up here, and honestly she didn’t need it. She even sings over Nas’s One Love beat. #WINNING! Longtime fans of Keys will love her edgier approach to her sound. Hell she should get some new fans too. 9.5 or A

(500th POST) Album Review: Solange-A Seat at the Table

Solange, Beyonce’s little sister has made a classical sounding masterful album. My only issue with the album is the production…but its not bad. The lyrics and so good. Solange nails her sound, I mean she really delivers. The album has a lot of interludes but they enhance the listen. This is not a love song-type album in the traditional. Instead there’s a lot goin on here message wise. Songs like Cranes in the Sky, F.U.B.U., and Don’t Wish Me Well are incredible. This year has had some good R&B albums like K. Michelle and big sister Beyoncé but this album is just as good as those. Verdict: 9.7

Album Review: Lady Gaga-Joanne

Lady Gaga has finally returned. Her new sound is a lot different than…her first 2 albums. At the time of this review, I have not heard her 3 rd album yet. This album has some really DOPE production. Lyrically/Vocally Gaga executes really well albeit she seems a little more easy going than on Born This Way(her 2 nd album). The first half is the better half. John Wayne is an excellent song. The 2 nd half isn’t bad, but its rather slow and I have never been a fan of Gaga slowing it down. Overall it’s a great album. She’s proven she’s still a force to be reckoned with. Verdict: 9.2/10 😁

Album Review: Common Black America Again

Common has returned with I think, is his best work ever. It’s a complete 180 degree turn from Nobody’s Smiling, which had rough dark beats. This one is smooth and elegant. While he’s no better lyrically he’s still a top rated lyricist. The production is very nice too. The album is so socially and politically relevant. The Title track might be the best Common song in years. It’s that good. Lyrically Common has bars, as you’d expect. However he was just as focused on the last 2 albums. There are no real guest rap features, but there’s an Ol Dirty Bastard sample on Pyramids. Songs like The Day Women Took Over showcase his creativity. Ultimately this might be the best rap album of 2016. Verdict: 9.7/10

Album Review: T.I. Us Or Else

The latest T.I. EP is really good and socially relelvant. It’s about the injustices against the black community in America. T.I. is making art and this is really sound lyrically, and every song for the most part is fire. My favorite song is 40 Acres which features Killer Mike. Overall I’d have to say this EP is too good to miss. If You’re not a fan of Black America tho, maybe you should skp it. I cant wait for the next T.I. full length project. Verdict: 9.2/10

My Thoughts: Election 2016

Ok i know this is mostly an entertainment blog, but this is my blog damnit, i have to blog about this trending topic. I have followed this political process since last year actually. I thought for sure Trump would not become the nominee...but the god the people like him. On the democrat side i thought Clinton was truly better than Sanders. If Sanders had won the nominee i woulda probably voted for him idk..who knows. Now last night was truly a shocker. I thought HIllary had this forreal. I voted for her. Shes a lil wreckless, and maybe she deep down is like George W. Bush meaning she may not give a f***. But hey she has common sense.It was the emails! Trump on the other hand is a mean bully. He's a lunatic. He talks a good game but has no real solutionis smh. Well you all know Trump won....He's gonna take over for Obama. UGH! I think Trump will do fine at first but then all hell will break loose. I mean repealing Obama care? A giant wall? KIssing up to Putin