Eminem released these bonus cuts for those who wanted more. It's actually kind of like a whole other album tho. Lyrically Em is pretty impressive here but some of the punchlines are kind of corny. The subject matter is kind of becoming tired at this point. "Favorite Bitch" is about how Em feels about the game right now....and how rap has declined. The production is decent but nothing greater than on the first Music to Be Murdered By. There's nothing here as wonky as "Godzilla" but there are some great songs like "Gnat" and "Zeus". I really like how Eminem covers alot of ground on those songs. "Higher" is a great one too. "Key(skit)" is just god awful lol. On "Discombobulated" the closer, Eminem sounds reinvigorated...we needed more songs like that. Overall its not bad at all but its not really better than the first one which is actually included with the purchase of this one. I wasn't gonna originally e...
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