VI: Return of the Jedi
ROTJ has the honor of being my favorite of the star wars
movies. It has the best special effects of the original trilogy which is to be
expected. This is movie is all about the maturation of Luke Skywalker and the
Redemption of his father, Anakin Skywalker(Darth Vader).
This movie is so much fun. It starts out with Vader telling
the Death Star’s Commander that the Emperor is coming. Then it shifts to Tatoine
for the rescuing of Han Solo. Jabba the Hut is a vile villain that is
apparently not weak minded. Afterwards Luke finds out from Obi-wan that Leia is
his twin sister. Then the movie gears up for its final scene.
The movie is really good at the end where u have a 3 staged
battle going on. There’s a huge space battle between the Rebels and the
Imperial fleet, a ground battle between Storm troopers and mostly Ewoks and
rebels….Then of course there’s a duel between Darth Vader and Luke. I won’t
spoil the ending but The emperor is finally defeated.