Great Hova(No Longer Young) has returned from above the clouds to bless us with another dope rap album. His last solo album, Blueprint 3, had flashier beats than this one. This album has more replay ability than BP3 though. The album is also very very cohesive. Its comparable to Nas’s Life is Good album, but it’s not quite that good. The album is pretty much standard Jay-z. The guest list is short compared to BP3;Only Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Rick Ross and Frank Ocean accompany J. There aren’t any real “Whoa did he just say that” moments…but the album is a testament to Jay-z’s versatility and great execution. Every song is good, but there aren’t that many stand outs. On the plus side this is one of Jay’s finest works to date.
Final Verdict: 9.5/10. Its a solid album with few flaws