Yeezus Kanye West In Depth Review Opening Opinion: 9.5 Ah yes, I have finally gotten to Kanye’s latest album, Yeezus. Here’s a quick in Depth Review. The album starts off with On Sight, a Daft Punk produced song that hits hard. The beat is a bit much. It’s loud and features a really cool sample in the middle of the song. Musically and Lyrically this album has a lot of expectations.After all his 5 th album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was one of his(if not his) best albums.I’m going to tell you if it met those expectations. A lot of people(For some Reason) didn’t like this album. I bet most of them just don’t like Kanye period. I mean Yeezus is a very daring title for anyone. The album then continues with the excellent Black Skinhead song. I love this song. Its high tempo, dark, and explosive. Kanye raps like a man possessed…....
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