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Showing posts from October, 2014

Album Review: Game's Blood Moon-Year of the Wolf

Game’s 6 th solo album is interesting. Its his first album on his new label. The album gets off to a good start. However there’s so many guests it feels like Game’s version of Dynasty Roc La Familia 2000(My least favorite Jay-z album). There are quite a few bangers on the album however. The album is also pretty cohesive, but it seems Game is just cashing in on already proven to work formulas for most songs. I don’t really know if this is his worst album, but it’s a good album though. It’s a must have for Game fans.       The verdict: 8/10


Hey guys and girls. I've decided to do more my thoughts blogs for a little bit. This one is about Apple Products. The ones I have or have  had. In order to tell you what I think of apple, I need to tell you which ones I have.No im not going to bash Apple, cause for the most part, I like Apple. Ok first I actually had a Dell DJ, which is a media player which I think about 20GB...doesn't sound like much today, but in 2004 that was NICE! I repeat NIIIICE! A few years later, okay just 2 years later I broke the thing...I was SOOO Pissed. in 2007 I got my first Ipod. It was a 30GB Ipod Classic. This was before the Iphone 1...yeah old school. after that got messed up I got a 64GB Ipod Touch in 2009. I cant remember the exact generation but it still works. The Ipod Touch was revolutionary to me. This was before I had a smart phone. The ability to just touch the screen and only rely on 1 or 2 exterior buttons was great. After that I would get..... the IPAD. It was also revolutionar...

Talib Kweli's Gravitas Album Review

Talib comes back with yet another album in 2013. I don’t really think its better than Prisoner of Conscious….but it features Talib more in his element. He raps about a wide variety of topics on the short album including the ever talked about illuminati. I’m not really sure where to rank this in Talib’s discography…but its seems to be around the level of Gutter Rainbows…which isn’t bad in its own right. Final Verdict is 8/10

T.I.'s discography

Since T.I. is dropping his new album, Paperwork in less than 1 week....its only right to give an overview of the King of the South's discography thus far.... Trouble Man: Heavy is the Head: This album is sort of like T.I. trying to return to his old style(Trap Musik & Urban Legend) with some of his new style mixed in. The result is a good album, but not a great album. There are some standouts like Ball with Lil Wayne, Guns and Roses with Pink, and Sorry with Andre 3000. Some songs are just obvious filler. I couldn’t help but want them off the album to make it shorter. The production is solid as are TI’s lyrics. Grade: C+   No Mercy: After releasing one of the dirty south’s best albums, T.I. bombs with No Mercy. He just doesn’t seem like himself except for on a few tracks. The album is mostly emo. He’s down on himself he’s constantly apologizing for his actions which led him back to jail. However as an artist he does make you feel his pain. There are some party jo...

My Thoughts Fall 2014

Hello my blog faithfuls. I havent been blogging that much lately, but i thought i should make another edition of My Thoughts. 1st thing, I cannot wait for the next NBA season. Football is cool, but i love that basketball. I'm going to go out on a limb and say in the Western Conference finals the Thunder will play the Clippers...yup I dont think the Spurs will be as motivated to repeat as they were to win last year.I mean the Spurs have NEVER repeated. In the East it will be....the Cavaliers and the Bulls. events. I dont know what to say about the police brutality in this country. Its insane. The situation in the middle east is crazy..or should i say getting worse. They don't really talk about the Palestinian situation with Israel anymore....its just ugly. The ISIS situation is also insane. Its like our President almost denies the fact that we need boots on the ground there. Im like how do you expect to stop them without troops..As far as Ebola goes, i just ...