Since T.I. is dropping his new album, Paperwork in less than 1 week....its only right to give an overview of the King of the South's discography thus far....
Trouble Man: Heavy is the Head: This album is sort of like T.I. trying to
return to his old style(Trap Musik & Urban Legend) with some of his new
style mixed in. The result is a good album, but not a great album. There are
some standouts like Ball with Lil Wayne, Guns and Roses with Pink, and Sorry
with Andre 3000. Some songs are just obvious filler. I couldn’t help but want
them off the album to make it shorter. The production is solid as are TI’s
Grade: C+
No Mercy: After releasing one of the dirty south’s best albums, T.I. bombs with
No Mercy. He just doesn’t seem like himself except for on a few tracks. The
album is mostly emo. He’s down on himself he’s constantly apologizing for his
actions which led him back to jail. However as an artist he does make you feel
his pain. There are some party joints that are just uninspired and not a lot of
fun to listen to. This is probably his worst album.
Grade: D+
Paper Trail: I’ve heard a lot of dirty south albums, but
Paper Trail is one of the best and it’s TI’s best album. Off the top T.I.
showcases his brilliant rhythmic flow with the first 2 songs. Then he talks
about him having to go to jail in 2008. Then he hooks up with Ludacris for a
good song. After that the hits just keep coming. The only low points of the
album are Porn star and You ain’t Missing Nothing. The former being a filler
song. Overall the beats on Paper Trail are just tremendous. Swagga Like Us is a
monster song where TI outshines Kanye, Lil Wayne and yes even Jay-z.
Grade: A+
T.I. vs TIP: Apparently TI aka TIP explored a bipolarish
concept on this album that actually came from a song on his album Trap Musick..
The album starts off real rough and gritty with Act 1 TIP which is the better
part of the 3. Big Things Poppin is an interesting track. While not sporting
the best beat, lyrically its sound and has a great chorus. Afterwards the album
is plagued by filler that just seems to be here and there throughout the album. The “TI” part is good with the
best song possibly being a teaming with Eminem but songs like Don’t You Wanna
Be High and We Do This are obvious filler. The last part starts off strong with
Tell Em I said that…afterwards it ends with My Type, a truly boring song. The 2
bonus tracks are good but do nothing for the album.
Grade: B
King: Looking back on King, it didn’t make me a TI fan, but it solidified TI
as the King of the south. He basically let his lyrics and flow and selection of
stellar beats do the talking for him. The album starts off with a bang with
King Back and doesn’t really let up till the albums 2nd half.
Overall its really creative with songs like Top Back, Goodlife, Live in the
Sky, and Why You Wanna. What You Know is one of the best rap songs period and I
believe still stands as TI’s best solo song. Some would argue that King is TI’s
best album, and for a while it was, but some songs aren’t as stellar but aren’t
really filler like Stand Up Guy and Hello. Bankhead is a good closing song.
Grade: A
Urban Legend: This is one good album, and I think it really
solidified TI as a force in the south after he had some break out success with
Trap Musick. The hits come fast on this album. TI claims again to be the “King
of the South”. This album is good, with most of the tracks being pretty hot. U.L.
has some filler, but for the most part TI holds his own, especially on songs
like U Don’t Me, and the anthem Bring Em Out. Is T.I. the Jay-z of the south?
After this effort it’s hard to argue against that statement. The last song My
Life, is hardcore song…and ASAP remains one of my favorites.
Grade: B-
Trap Musick: This was the album that got TI’s name out
there, as his debut album, I’m Serious flopped. The album starts off well with
the 1st 9 songs going pretty hard. Let’s Get Away was one of my
favorite joints back in 04. T.I. vs TIP is an interesting song which he later turns
into an album in 4 years. TI is a gentlemen/player, and TIP is a gangster. Bezzle is a catchy song, but Rubberbandman is
the song that pushed TI’s name out there
Grade: B-
I’m Serious: This isn’t a great album, but its nice to see
how TI was when he first came out. He kind of has a punchline flow and it
doesn’t really suit him all that well. This album has some catchy songs like Do
it, Dope Boyz, I’m Serious. The Neptunes did a great deal of production on this
Grade: C