Call of Duty Black ops 3 is an interesting game. On one hand you have a COD game with all the right features. I mean there's a campaign, Zombie mode, free run mode(which i never play past the first playthrough), and a zombie campaign mode. So on the surface this game had the potential to be the very best COD in years.
Its a good looking game and controls are great as usual. The campaign starts out fresh, but quickly grows tiresome. The story is quite lame and stupid. On the game's last stage i couldnt wait for it to be over, which is the last thing you want to be thinking on a game's last level. Like what the f*** bro! lol. Its some dumb Artificial intelligence thing that makes your comrades go crazy...yes all of them. Im like dude get the f*** outta here with this bull **it story! Its difficult sure, but all CODs are tough.
Multiplayer is great. There's so much to do and unlock. There are even Specialists that give you more playing options. A Specialist can unlock a unique special move: One is a weapon, one is something else. So yeah the multiplayer is even better than Advance warfare's.
Ah the zombie modes. I dont personally care for zombies but hey its really is. Zombie mode has been a staple of the COD Black Ops series. Whats there not to want. I havent tried the campaign mode.....with zombies...yea....side note*For some stupid a** reason there is a zombie encounter in the regular campaign....i was scratching my head!
This isnt a bad game, but its not a great genre changing game either. I Liked it more than the abysmal Black Ops 2 though....maybe I'm just mad b/c it took me forever to beat BO2 lol....check my review on that game as well.
The Verdict: 7.5/10