It's time for another video game review. This one is a little overdue I must admit. I grew up playin Star Fox 64 on the N64. This game is kind of a retelling of that game, instead of a true sequel. The game is a space shooter where you pilot various vehicle and shoot enemies. The Star Fox seriess high on action, and Zero is no different.
Graphically the game is great. Colors are vibrant, and areas are varied. The sounds of the game are decent as well. You have to use the Wii U Gamepad to play, and you have to have the volume on to hear the cockpit dialogue i think. That chatter is good too. Your teamates give you tips and tell you to help them out. Enemies also have a lot to say.
Now for the elephant in the room. The controls. You have to use the wii U gampad's motion controls for precise aiming. So in a sense you are constantly going to have to switch between your tv screen and the Gamepad. My eyes however got used to doing that. I dont think these are the easiest controls but they work. The Movement controls are great. Boosting and breaking is so is barrel rolling. Again the aiming is going to take some time to get used to. I guarantee you won't beat some bosses without doing it..
Variety is the name of the game. In addition to the plane, the tank returns, and you get a stealth helicopter. The plane and tank have different modes too. Its just awesome. The game's stealth missions dont end when you are discovered either. Sometimes you are simply eliminating enemies. Often times tho, you have a certain amount of time to do so. Or you may find yourself defending a key target. Your teammates aren't as important as they were in SF64. They can die and you will be fine. In the last stage you are on your own for most of it.....The last stage is really hard too. Andross is much harder than he was in SF64 to defeat as well. The fight puts all your skills to the test.
Overall this is a good game, not perfect but certainly worth a try if you A)Like Star Fox, or B)Like action games. The game is very challenging but it doesnt feel cheap. Its not really as good as SF64, but then again, few games are. I would have preferred a new sequel, not a retelling. Good job Mr. Miyamoto.
Verdict: 8.25/10