Star Wars Revenge of the Sith-Originally ROTJ
was my favorite star wars but this one takes the cake. Its action packed, and
it wraps up the first 6 movies beautifully. I really think the action puts it
over ROTJ for me. This movie does not get old. Better than AOTC and TPM put together!
The Matrix-The Matrix is another movie that is
up there for best sci fi movie of all time. It’s pacing is a little slow, but
other than that; Flawless and incredibly trend setting.
Star Wars Return of the Jedi-Originally my
favorite movie. I love this movie. Maybe I’ve seen it more than any other OT
movie. The Return of Anakin Skywalker at the end is greatness.
Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen-I really
like everything about this movie. It’s got a decent story but that fight in the
forest is still the best TF fight scene to date…and that’s saying something.
Lord of the Rings Return of the King-Return of
the King is one of the best movies of all time. It is epic personified. It’s
really long however. Definitely my favorite of the 3.
Men in Black-I love this film so much. Will
Smith is great. It’s pretty funny too. Other Men in Black movies have failed to
be this good.
Matrix Reloaded-Matrix 2 is amazing. It’s got
more action then it’s predecessor. I don’t like some parts tho. The end is one
of the biggest cliff hangers I have ever seen.
Star Wars A New Hope-I like this over ESB because
it was the first one I saw. I love the ending sequence with the Death Star too.
Gladiator-This is a classic movie. Maximus is a
character you root for. The end is sad sure, but satisfying.
Independence Day-The first ID4 is amazing. You
really feel the hopelessness of the characters as they struggle to stop the alien
invasion. Great dialogue too.
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back-The best SW movie,
but honestly Its not my favorite. That Darth Vader revelation tho….lol.
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring-This movie
is so much fun. It gets my pick over 2 Towers cause it just feels more magical
to me.
The Mummy Returns-I love the first 2 Mummy
movies. This one has the Rock in it and more action. Nuff said.
Spiderman 2-This movie is great in all aspects.
It really puts you in Spiderman’s struggle, but after it all; he comes out on
300-This classic film gets the nod easily over the
2nd movie. I love the action sequences and dialogue.
Transformers-Some say this is the best TF movie.
I love this movie. It gets the nod over TF3,4, and 5. Shia is a so cool. “No no
no no” Lol.
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers-Its actually my
least favorite of the 3 despite the excellent ending. The movie is great tho no
Star Trek (2009)- While I’m not a big Star Trek
fan, I loved every bit of this reboot. Dazzling special effects and great story.
It gets the nod barely over ST2 Into Darkness.
Avengers-What’s not to love about this star
studded film? Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk and Thor really deliver.Loki
is a good villain too.
Inception-An incredibly creative and action-packed
movie. I love the story too.