It was the day of destiny for me when I got my first IPhone
a little over a week ago. The phone is big, with a 5.5 inch screen. It’s made
for media consumption and to be honest that’s the main reason I bought it. I
love Itunes and Apple products. I already have an IPad Air , Ipod touch, and
Ipod Classic.
I like
so much about this phone, so I’m going to tell you what I don’t like. Its basic
but you have to manually switch between turning mobile data on and off. Android
phones do that automatically lol. It’s a small gripe but its something that I don’t
like about IPhones.
Now for
the numerous features I do like: Touch ID is blazing fast. Makes my Samsung
Galaxy S6’s’ touch sensor look like a snail. The camera is beast. I have barely
used it yet tho. The raise to wake feature is really really useful. The ability
to buy apps with the afore mentioned Touch ID is really cool!
Siri isn’t
perfect but she/he is really useful. I love just telling it to make an appointment
or to play this. Siri is really smart too. Albeit its not as intuitive as google
assistant but it is beast. The screen of the IPhone is also amazing. I tremble
in my boots in thinking that the X has a better screen than my Iphone 8 Plus.
life is amazing too. I have yet to get to 40% and that’s after using it a whole
lot at work. My old phones never lasted that long. I’m not trying to bash them
tho. The phone is also very fast too. I love IOS software too so I don’t mind
the lack of customization.
Okay we’ve heard a lot of good and some bad. Its time to put
a big number on it…..
I’m giving the Iphone 8 Plus a …..