I am a straight man and that is really not a ...a Choice. I feel that is the way we were intended to be. Its NOT OKAY to be ...gay. But I do believe that being Attracted to the same sex isnt a choice that people are making either. I think its spirtual.
Ok so you're still reading congrats. That was rough right there. That was just the introduction. Now my excited reader lets give you my ground rules on Gender Bashing....DONT DO IT. Yes women are right some men ain't sh**. Adversely some women also, aint sh**. So please stop GENERALIZING when you get your feelings hurt. That goes for me too.
Now TBH I am a man and i think over the years....we've let people paint a picture of GENERALIZING what men should or shouldn't do. A man has to not speak to his woman or a man cant share his feelings. That's complete bull s***. If you cannot be honest with someone then you might go insane. I've heard guys say "oh thats gay or he's a faggot". I'm like WTF BRO. We as men need to stop acting SUPER HARD when inside we're hurting and feeling alone. NO MORE NETFLIX and chill. Take your crush out on a date. Tell her shes special and tell her shes the only one for you.
Now I can already hear the rebuttal. But f that rebuttal. Women don't really want A**HOLES, they just want a man who tries and is confident. I cannot tell you how many girls shut me down in college. I never really understood why. Cause I had LOW CONFIDENCE in myself and it showed. Well I have to help the ladies a little bit. Ladies why he always gotta have $$$ I mean its 2019 and times are hard. A n***a has college loans. Pay for the meals and or dates sometimes boo.
Alright y'all I'm done for now. But until next time take care of ya selves and the human race. Lets GET IT
Ok so you're still reading congrats. That was rough right there. That was just the introduction. Now my excited reader lets give you my ground rules on Gender Bashing....DONT DO IT. Yes women are right some men ain't sh**. Adversely some women also, aint sh**. So please stop GENERALIZING when you get your feelings hurt. That goes for me too.
Now TBH I am a man and i think over the years....we've let people paint a picture of GENERALIZING what men should or shouldn't do. A man has to not speak to his woman or a man cant share his feelings. That's complete bull s***. If you cannot be honest with someone then you might go insane. I've heard guys say "oh thats gay or he's a faggot". I'm like WTF BRO. We as men need to stop acting SUPER HARD when inside we're hurting and feeling alone. NO MORE NETFLIX and chill. Take your crush out on a date. Tell her shes special and tell her shes the only one for you.
Now I can already hear the rebuttal. But f that rebuttal. Women don't really want A**HOLES, they just want a man who tries and is confident. I cannot tell you how many girls shut me down in college. I never really understood why. Cause I had LOW CONFIDENCE in myself and it showed. Well I have to help the ladies a little bit. Ladies why he always gotta have $$$ I mean its 2019 and times are hard. A n***a has college loans. Pay for the meals and or dates sometimes boo.
Alright y'all I'm done for now. But until next time take care of ya selves and the human race. Lets GET IT