I was speculating on what to blog about when I remember I never gave you guys my thoughts on Cardi B. The New York rapper really took the game by storm in 2017 and last year. I would say the praise is pretty well deserved. Of course with every celebrity there is controversy. I'll touch on that too. If you've been following me you know that I'm a big Cardi B fan but I'm also a big Nicki Minaj fan too. I think Cardi is an explosive rapper. What she may lack in lyricism she makes up for in energy and delivery. And no I wouldnt qualify Cardi as a mumble rapper. She aint mumblin ha ha. She gets a lot of flack for not "writing her own raps" or "using ghost writers". Truth is a lot of rappers do that nowadays. There was also some controversy with Cardi inviting men to sleep with her and another woman and robbing them afterwards. I certainly don't condone these actions but everybody has darkspot or two in their past. Question: Is Cardi B now t...
These are the thoughts and opinions of yours truly. I reveiw and talk about Music, Movies, and Video Games.