1. Justin Timberlake-Future Sex Love Sounds- To be honest I didn’t go back and forth on what was my favorite Pop album like i did R&B. To me this was a clear favorite of favorites. I remember when I got this album in 2007. Clicked immediately. I like every song except the last song. “Sexy Back” and “My Love” are classics. Did I mention the production on this album from TImbaland. Oh man is it great. “LoveStoned” and “Until the End of Time” are also classics. So even amongst my favorite albums in the genre, this one reigns supreme. 2. Britney Spears-Blackout- Not Britney’s best album but its really one of my favorites. Songs like “Gimme More” and “Break the Ice” are terrific. “Radar” is another good one.This is just one of my favorite albums plain and simple. The production is cohesive and Britney does great on these beats. 3. Michael Jackson-Thriller- Arguably the greatest album ...
These are the thoughts and opinions of yours truly. I reveiw and talk about Music, Movies, and Video Games.