About a week ago or so I beat Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Im so happy I got a chance to play it cause they put it on PS4....yes I sadly as of early 2025 do not have a PS5 yet. But anyways I thought the game was considerable improvement over Jedi Fallen Order in most ways.
The game is set a few years after the end of the first game. One thing I like is you keep all your Jedi techniques from the first game Jedi Fallen Order. You can force push and pull and double jump right from the jump. Early in the game you also get access to a new lighstaber form dual wield. In this game there are 5 lightsaber forms. Single is good in any situation but not the best for ideal situations. I think double bladed has good defense but low range. Dual wield is fast but has low defense. Later on you get access to a blaster form which has great range. Then there's the Cross-guard which is Kylo Ren's lightsaber form...its slow in this game but has high damage and defense to it.
The enemy variety in the game is great too....You don't just fight the Empire but also the Bedlam Raiders who also use Trade Federation droids. Some of the bedlam raiders can really put up a fight too. The empire has these new droids you fight about a third of the way through the game that are really tough. Of course there's new wildlife for you to fight too. One of the toughest is a Wampa like enemy. Its called something else but they always kept me on my toes.
Some of the boss fights were really tough. I'll try to avoid spoilers but one of the main villains is a former Jedi who only has one arm. The leader of the Bedlam raiders was maybe the game's toughest fight tho. Overall I felt the game was a lot more gracious with meditation points than the first game. Despite that the game got very difficult at a certain point.... I had to try different lightsaber forms to see what worked the best.
Theres platforming in the game too and its for the most part really fun. Puzzle wise however the game was rather straight forward most of the time. I didn't feel the puzzles were as tough as the ones in the first game. There was far more customization in this game too. You can change Cal's hair, facial hair, shirt, jacket, and pants. BD-1, your robot companion was also a lot more customizable.
Overall I really enjoyed the game. The cast of the game is fun. It was great to see Cal Kestis become a more fleshed out character. It was also nice to see him with a love interest in this game; the Dathomir witch Merrin. There were quite a few instances in the game where you can fight alongside a ally character and that was fun. I did feel Fallen Order's story was a little better....but this game was a blast to play!
Verdict: 9.3