Thank Me Later Fireworks- Drake raps about his newfound stardom. He’s joined by Alicia Keys who does a great job on the chorus. The beat is kinda nothing more than a backdrop. I really like Drake’s verses here. 9/10 Karaoke- Drake sings almost the entire song. Its an okay song but rather skippable. 5.5/10 The Resistance- This one is a little better than the previous track. I like the chorus. Drake continues to rap about his newly found stardom. The beat is interesting but the topic has gotten kinda stale by now. 6/10 Over- Over is a tremendous song with an awesome beat. Drake kills the song with sharp delivery. 9.5/10 Show Me a Good Time- Another uptempo song. I really like the beat, and the chorus is pretty hot too. 8.5/10 Up All Night- This is song has a real dark feel to it, as Drizzy and Minaj kill the song. Nicki really steals the show though…..with lines like “F*** I look like ho? I look like yes and you like no”. ...
These are the thoughts and opinions of yours truly. I reveiw and talk about Music, Movies, and Video Games.