I am writing this to show my respects to what I think is the best(not greatest) game I have ever played.
The original was released in 1998. The game just has everything a good game should have. There's an excellent story, Great Controls, Terriffic Enemies and Engaging Boss Fights. The graphics were also impressive for that time....the only thing I dont really like is the fact is that the game is mostly linear, but there are some side quests.
The game starts off pretty easy, in fact on subsequent playthroughs I could breeze right threw the first 2 dungeons and their bosses. Gohma is pretty easy, and the KIng Dodongo is even easier if you know where to stand. The 3rd dungeon, Jabu Jabu's Belly will give you fits unless you know exactly what to do. I think i was stuck on one part for weeks. More than any other dungeon in the game do i think the new item you get is so effective. Without it you will struggle. The boss is really tough too, but if your quick you can take him down. Afterwards you find yourself waking up 7 years later because Young LInk was too young to use the MASTER sword. The Hero of Time, Link must then depart to save Hyrule from Ganondorf's Tyranny.
The rest of the game is tougher, but by now I was a lot better at the game. The Forest Temple has theh coolest music, and a great boss fight. PHantom Ganondorf is good practice for the real one at the game's end. After that you go through the equally challenging Fire Temple who's boss is pretty easy; just hit em wit the hammer!. The Dragon Volvagia never beat me one time.....I think. After that though you have to go through the Ice Cavern which is one of the most annoying parts in the whole game! Then after getting the Iron boots you get to go to the game's toughest dungeon, The Water Temple. It's got a viscious mini boss-Dark Link and you havve to constantly put them darn boots on and off by pressing start and selecting/deselecting them. The boss is tough too, but ah the longshot(super hookshot) gets the job done. After that you go back to being young Link and have to go in that well and get the Lens of Truth.....
Then its off to a somewhat tough temple, the Shadow Temple. Its just a rather annoying temple, but with plenty of Magic I dont have much trouble here. After that you go to the Gerudu fortress which is pretty tough. You gotta use stealth there. Then you go to the Spirit Temple which is a bit harder than the Shadow temple. First of all you gotta go back to Young Link. Then you go back as Adult Link to defeat Twinrova 2 old ladies that turn into a babe??? LOL!
After that you storm Ganon's Castle who has a barrier around the tower. ALl you gotta do is beat the challenges to lower the barricade. Theres a challenge of light, water, forest, etc. Then you have to take on some tough enemies then fight Ganondorf who is pretty damn tough. Afterwards you take Zelda and follow her out of Ganon's castle. But wait u have to defeat Ganon(Monster Ganondorf) after that. Hes pretty easy to be honest.
I think this game is alot better than Majora's Mask and anybody that thinks diffrently is crazy. Majora has lots of Masks but is so flawed compared to this Masterpiece called Ocarina Of Time. In fact the only Zelda game i think is close to this is A LInk to the Past.....which is a similar game but for Super NIntendo or Gameboy Advance.
If you havent played the game play it for Wii, or the N3DS now!!