Dirty South Welcome to the Dirty Dirty. A region of rap that was very very popular in 2003…and still is still very popular. Major Cities of Influence: Atlanta , Houston , Miami Key rapping traits: I’d have to say the dirty south music is very energetic and personal. There is a huge emphasis on beats over lyricism. But that doesn’t mean these cats lyrics aren’t good. If it were a kid at high school: It would be the class clown, but everybody knows he is real smart. Major Rappers T.I.: The self proclaimed King of the South has made some of the dirty south’s best albums, including Paper Trail and King. Many fans think that Trap Muzik was his best album, when Paper Trail was clearly the best one to me. T.I. is the Jay-z of the South, and its no surprise that he got that nickname. T.I. is very aggressive and hostile, and some would even call him paranoid. TIP is more of his aggressive side, but honestly I don’t think that TI is bipolar. I understand why he boug...
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