Kanye West
Track by Track Review
On Sight- This track was produced by Daft Punk, so the beat
is way out there….the lyrics aren’t all that but this is a great way to open
the album…
Black Skinhead-This track is high energy as well. Its
actually one of the finest Kanye songs I’ve heard…since MBDTF. The beat is infectious, as is the chorus. The
song borders on tribal with lots of other elements mixed in.
I Am A God-Spooky, horrocore, Enigmatic. All of these can be
used to describe this song. Kanye’s Ego is on full force here. The result is an
interesting track. The beat has a techno feel to it. The screaming is
borderline annoying however.
New Slaves-Lyrically, I think this is the album’s best song.
The beat is creepy, and the chorus is effective. “Used to only be n***as!”. The
song is great but the end of the song is rather un necessary.
Hold My Liquor-This song reminds me of Drunk and Hot Girls
from Graduation. A somewhat catchy yet somewhat ineffective song. However Kanye
won’t let Chief Keef ruin this song. This sounds like it could belong on 808’s
and Heartbreak….hmm.
I’m In It- I feel that Kanye is kinda too sexually explicit
here, but the execution is great. The song has lots of little effects on it. “Eatin
Asian P***y all I need I sweet and sour sauce”. Travi$ Scott does a good job
here as well.
Blood On the Leaves-Yeezus’ best song is a dope! This song
is multilayered and brilliant. It kinda reminds me of a song from 808’s but
with Dark Fantasy type beat….but its very strong and dark. I love the beat and
Tony Williams does a great job. #Epicsong
Guilt Trip-I love this song. It has lots of different songs.
Witness art. Kid Cudi role is minimal here, I think he should have more of an
impact on this song. The Chorus is great, even if I don’t know what its saying
Send It Up-This song is a straight club banger. Its hot, but
it doesn’t really push any creative boundaries. However I do love Kanye’s
version of In Da Club as he claims it is.
Bound 2-This song is kinda like old school Kanye(Think Late
Registration). I love the chorus, and the beat is soulful. The thing is, it doesn’t
really fit with the rest of the album, but I guess that’s why Kanye made it the
last song.
FInal Album score: 9.5/10