Luda’s 7th album, looking back is at an odd place
in his discography. It’s a great album which is followed by his worst album,
Battle of Sexes. For starters his lyricism is really on point…maybe the best it’s
been. Songs like MVP and Undisputed certainly help that claim. He also doesn’t get
outdone by neither Nas or Jay Z on I Do It For Hip Hop. The production is also
really good. Luda seems focused here to prove he’s a top MC, all while having
some fun too. 2 songs in particular, Contagious and Nasty Girl are quite
skippable. The Jamie Foxx feature does nothing to help. I Like Chris Rock,
Chris Brown, and Lil Wayne’s features on the respective songs. Game, Common,
& T-Pain are also co-starring, but the most important feature is former
rival T.I. Check out this album if you haven’t already.
Verdcit: 9/10