11. Anakin defeats Count Dooku- This was an awesome fight. At first it was Anakin and Obi wan vs. Count Dooku(Darth Tyrannus). Count Dooku quickly made it a one on one fight though. I personally think he underestimated Anakin a little bit, but regardless Dooku lost. The Look in the defeated Sith lord’s face is priceless when he realized he has been betrayed by his master Palpatine(Darth Sidious) 12. Order 66- This was the turning point in Revenge of the Sith. The evil Darth Sidious had already programmed his troopers to “purge the jedi”. He was just waiting for the appropriate time. The clone troopers turn on the jedi and not many survive that one day. I’m sure more Jedi were killed later on as well. 13. Darth Maul fights Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan - An epic duel with the “Duel of the...
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